Sunday, December 13, 2009

Women in the media

Nowadays when we turn on the television we see women depicted as sex symbols and very dependent on men, rather than independent, strong human beings. Why is this? The society we live in has a strong belief that men are superior and this is a man's world so the media would do whatever it can to keep that ideology. Although, this is a strong ideology in our society we know see that women are just as powerful as men. For example, we see Oprah, Michelle Obama, and Condoleezza Rice as very powerful women that have done a lot for the world that we live in and for some reason it is not recognized that women can have great power.

Women athletes are also misrepresnted. We often see them as sex symbols instead of athletes. Also the women athletes that we mostly see in the media aren't the ones that actually win titles and championships, but are the ones that society sees as beautiful. For example, Anna Kournikova has never won a championship, but she is often on the cover of magazines and on the news being interviewed. Also when a women athlete decides to get a little angry because she disagrees with a call that was made it is unacceptable. For instance, Serena Williams yelled at an official that made a bad call and the media talked about this for weeks, but if a man was to get this worked up about a call it would have been a problem.

Women are expected to act a certain way and to follow certain rules and when they do not our society does not know how to handle it. We as a society have not grown to accept a powerful women.


  1. I totally agree with this blog. Society has always put out a perception that men are dominant gender, however women today are stepping into the light. There are many great Women role models out there. With the whole women athlete issues, this is true. Many of the more famous women athletes are perceived as sex symbols, but hopefully in the future more of the talented athletes will be acknowledged for their talent even if they are not hot.

  2. Your post has a lot of truth in it. Strong, independent women are called "bitches" when powerful guys are just considered normal. Its hard for women to get taken seriously in any work or sports environment when there are so many sexual stereotypes out there.
