Sunday, December 13, 2009

Diversity in the media

The amount of diversity that we see in today's media is a growing issue in conversations. Most televisions shows that we do are mostly dominated by the white race and when we do see an African American television show, it isn't something to be proud of. For example, on VH1 we shows like For The Love of Ray J and Flavor of Love and for those who have seen these shows, we know that they are shows with a good influence. It is very interesting to me that the African American shows that we see serve as a bad example for the way people should live their life. Throughout time African Americans have never really had too many television shows and now that we do they still aren't something we can appreciate.
Also in the past the shows that African Americans were in depicted them as happpy to be in the ghetto or striving to be middle class or already being middle class. The have never really depicted blacks in the right way. Also these shows made us believe that all African Americans were trying to reasch this American Dream. For example, look at The Jeffersons and The Cosby Show, they both depict rich black families that are happy with life and there is nothing to worry about. They do not really talk about the struggle blacks had to go through to achieve these benefits. These shows serve as a way of hiding racial oppression of blacks.

My experience with blogging

Personally I never thought that I tould be somebody that would ever blog because I never really saw the point. Now that I have been blogging I see it as a good way to get a chance to express your opinion on something you probably would have never talked about. A blog is also a great way to say whatever you want without people really arguing your point. Even though blogging did allow me to let my views on issues out I'm not sure if I would actually keep going with my blog. It just isn't something for me because I like to express myself more out loud rather than just in writing, but it was kind of cool to do it while it lasted.

Women in the media

Nowadays when we turn on the television we see women depicted as sex symbols and very dependent on men, rather than independent, strong human beings. Why is this? The society we live in has a strong belief that men are superior and this is a man's world so the media would do whatever it can to keep that ideology. Although, this is a strong ideology in our society we know see that women are just as powerful as men. For example, we see Oprah, Michelle Obama, and Condoleezza Rice as very powerful women that have done a lot for the world that we live in and for some reason it is not recognized that women can have great power.

Women athletes are also misrepresnted. We often see them as sex symbols instead of athletes. Also the women athletes that we mostly see in the media aren't the ones that actually win titles and championships, but are the ones that society sees as beautiful. For example, Anna Kournikova has never won a championship, but she is often on the cover of magazines and on the news being interviewed. Also when a women athlete decides to get a little angry because she disagrees with a call that was made it is unacceptable. For instance, Serena Williams yelled at an official that made a bad call and the media talked about this for weeks, but if a man was to get this worked up about a call it would have been a problem.

Women are expected to act a certain way and to follow certain rules and when they do not our society does not know how to handle it. We as a society have not grown to accept a powerful women.